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Spousal Sponsorship

You can sponsor your spouse who lives with you in Canada or abroad to come to Canada as a permanent resident. As a sponsor you must be:


  • 18 years of age

  • A Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident

  • Living in Canada (there is an exception to this rule)

  • Not a recipient of social assistance other than disability



Are you sponsoring your spouse from a foreign country?   Please contact us to help you with the application process and all the required paperwork.


For sponsoring a spouse who lives with you in Canada, and he/she has valid immigration status in Canada you can apply under Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class. Your souse can also apply if he/she qualifies for open work permit under Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class.


Please contact us to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner from outside Canada or in-Canada. 

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